Latam Insights – Inflation Skyrockets in Argentina, El Salvador Processes Digital Assets Licenses, Venezuelan Crypto Corruption Probe Continues

Dobrodošli v Latam Insights, zbirko najpomembnejših novic o kripto in gospodarskem razvoju iz Latinske Amerike v zadnjem tednu. V tej številki: Inflation in Argentina goes over 100%, El Salvador issues its first digital assets licenses, and the

Goldman Sachs zdaj ne pričakuje dviga obrestnih mer v marcu zaradi stresa v ameriškem bančnem sistemu

Goldman Sachs has revised its U.S. interest rate forecast due tostress in the banking system.The global investment bank no longer expects the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates at its Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting in March after

Crypto Exchange MaskEX s sedežem v Dubaju lansira virtualno kartico za porabo po vsem svetu in pozdravlja Bena Caselina kot podpredsednika za spodbujanje prizadevanj za globalno širitev

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. Dubaj, United Arab Emirates, marec, 2023 – MaskEX, a rapidly expanding third-generation crypto exchange, headquartered in Dubai, has announced the launch of its crypto-backed Virtual Card, enabling users to spend their crypto as fiat in more than 176 države…

Apple’s Approval Process Delays Uniswap’s Mobile App Launch; Firm Launches Limited Trial Release

marca 3, 2023, Uniswap Labs, the firm behind the decentralized exchange Uniswap, announced the launch of a limited early-release application through Apple’s Testflight program. The company stated that the limited release was due to Apple not granting approval for the

Kripto izmenjave omogočajo Rusom, da se izognejo sankcijam, Poročilo trdi

Večje kripto borze niso preprečile sankcioniranim ruskim bankam in trgovcem transakcije, glede na poročilo forenzike blockchain. Vsaj dve uveljavljeni platformi za trgovanje s kovanci Rusom še naprej dovoljujeta uporabo svojih bančnih kartic v poslih enakovrednih, the analysis

Zbirke vrstnih napisov v verigi blokov Bitcoin rastejo, ko ustvarjalci monetizirajo umetnost

Z več kot 150,000 Vrstni napisi na verigi blokov Bitcoin, zdaj obstajajo številne zbirke, saj so ustvarjalci in umetniki našli nov način za monetizacijo svojih umetnin prek tehnologije blockchain. V preteklem mesecu, people have launched collections such as

FTX in Alameda Research Collapse. Žalosten dogodek, a "dolgoročno dobro", pravi upravni partner DWF Labs

Medtem ko naj bi propad kripto borze FTX in njene podružnice Alameda Research zapustil številne kripto igralce, vključno z ustvarjalci trga, v najslabšem možnem položaju, po Andreju Gračevu, poslovodni partner pri DWF Labs, this incident may

CoinEx: To Embrace a New Crypto Future by Making Crypto Trading Easier in the Next Five Years

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. V decembru 2022, CoinEx will celebrate its fifth birthday. Since its inception, the crypto exchange has gone through bulls and bears and attracted over four million users across more than 200 countries and regions worldwide. For both CoinEx and

Minxie Launches NFT Project That Aims to Provide the Untapped Creator Economy With Solutions Through Blockchain

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. “NFTs aren’t dead, they are going to be everywhere” says Tina Lou, Head of Marketing at Minxie, “and, actually, the bear market is the best thing that could have happened to them”, she continues, “We’ve weeded through scams and